708 Board Application

708 Mental Health Board

What is the 708 Mental Health Board?

The Stephenson County 708 Mental Health Board has seven members who are all volunteers from the community. No compensation is received by any member nor per diem expenses. Grant applications are received each year and the Board evaluates the need of each agency and how available dollars will be distributed. Currently nine local agencies receive 708 grants. Meetings are devoted to 708 Board operational matters and agency reports of funded programs. All meetings comply with the Open Meetings Act and the public is invited. This website posts Board members, agencies, the current year’s meeting dates, times, and location, the meeting agenda and the annual budget.

How we were created.

Illinois passed the Community Mental Health Act (CMHA) in 1963. This act gives local governing bodies, which most often are counties, the authority to establish by referendum a 708 Mental Health Board. Stephenson County passed such a referendum in 1967. Levied tax dollars as defined by the CMHA are distributed annually to various county agencies. The levy is $0.005 of assessed property value. These agencies provide services to meet the needs for mental health, developmental disabilities, substance abuse, domestic violence, sexual abuse, crisis intervention, maintenance of independent living along with other programs of support to schools, law enforcement, health providers and community groups.

Visit the Stephenson County 708 Mental Health Board website here: Stephenson County 708 Mental Health Board

All applications must be submitted using the below Online Application and the aplication can be reviewed as a word document. 

The 708 Board Application opens March 5th, and closes May 5th. 

Things to note:

Please Note:  The Stephenson County 708 Board only funds entities providing services to the following individuals or persons with the following conditions:

  • "Person with a developmental disability" means any person or persons so diagnosed and as defined in the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code. Community mental health boards operating under this Act may in their jurisdiction, by a majority vote, add to the definition of "person with a developmental disability".
  • "Mental illness" has the meaning ascribed to that term in the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code. Community mental health boards operating under this Act may in their jurisdiction, by a majority vote, add to the definition of "mental illness".
  • "Substance use disorder" encompasses substance abuse, dependence, and addiction, not inconsistent with federal or State definitions

For more information or to view the State Statute in its entirety please click the link below:

405 ILCS 20 Community Mental Health Act


Review the 708 Board Application in a word document here.

The 708 Board Online Application is found here

Stephenson County